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英语单词大全(English Vocabulary)

时间:2024-02-15 13:26:26 浏览:

English Vocabulary

1. Everyday Words

Daily life requires the use of numerous common words that are essential for communication. Here are some everyday words that everyone should know:

  • 1. Hello - used as a greeting
  • 2. Goodbye - used as a farewell
  • 3. Thank you - used to express gratitude
  • 4. Please - used to make a polite request
  • 5. Sorry - used to apologize
  • 6. Yes - used to give a positive response
  • 7. No - used to give a negative response
  • 8. Help - used to seek assistance
  • 9. Time - used to refer to the measurement of hours, minutes, and seconds
  • 10. Money - used to refer to currency and financial transactions

2. Academic Words

Academic vocabulary plays a crucial role in formal education and scholarly discussions. Here are some important academic words to expand your knowledge:

  • 1. Analysis - the process of examining something in detail
  • 2. Hypothesis - a proposed explanation for a phenomenon
  • 3. Research - systematic investigation or study
  • 4. Conclusion - the final decision or judgement reached after consideration
  • 5. Experiment - a procedure conducted to validate or refute a hypothesis
  • 6. Theory - a well-substantiated explanation for a set of phenomena
  • 7. Evidence - facts or information supporting a claim or proposition
  • 8. Analysis - the process of examining something in detail
  • 9. Interpretation - explanation or understanding of meanings
  • 10. Literature - written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit

3. Specialized Words

Specialized vocabulary is used in specific fields or professions. Here are some specialized words in different domains:

3.1. Medical Terms

  • 1. Diagnosis - identification of a disease or condition
  • 2. Prescription - a written instruction for medication
  • 3. Surgery - a medical procedure involving incisions and manipulations of the body
  • 4. Anesthesia - the state of temporary loss of sensation or awareness
  • 5. Vaccine - a substance that stimulates the production of antibodies

3.2. Computer Science Terms

  • 1. Algorithm - a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem
  • 2. Programming - writing code for computer software
  • 3. Database - an organized collection of information
  • 4. Encryption - the process of encoding information to prevent unauthorized access
  • 5. Firewall - a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing traffic

3.3. Legal Terms

  • 1. Plaintiff - the party that initiates a legal action
  • 2. Defendant - the party against whom a legal action is brought
  • 3. Jurisdiction - the authority of a court to hear and make judgments in a case
  • 4. Verdict - the decision reached by a jury in a trial
  • 5. Appeal - a formal request for a higher court to review a lower court's decision

In conclusion, expanding your vocabulary in English is vital for effective communication across different domains. Everyday words help us express basic emotions and actions, while academic words enable us to engage in scholarly discussions. Specialized words cater to specific fields or professions and deepen our understanding in those areas. Keep learning and incorporating new words into your vocabulary to enhance your language skills.

标题:英语单词大全(English Vocabulary)

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英语单词大全(English Vocabulary)

English Vocabulary 1. Everyday Words Daily life re


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